Friday, February 5, 2016

Women Have Every RIGHT to Control Their Own Bodies

I'm a women and have 3 kids, ages 19 -24, and 1 granddaughter age 4.

Not all of them were planned, and some came at very bad times! But life throws you curve balls. And LOL, sometimes, I'd like to throw those curve balls back!

Birth control was available 19 - 25 years ago, I failed to use them. So we had 3 daughters. My daughter failed to use them 4 - 5 years ago. So we had Lilly.

We adore our unplanned granddaughter. But at 1st  it was a "crisis." We looked at adoption and tried to push my daughter that direction. She wasn't ready, and neither were we! But now, Lilly is a part of us and we'd be broken without her!

All 3 of my daughters NOW use birth control. They understand their rights and also their responsibilities to take control of their own bodies, their own lives, and their own  reproduction. If they don’t, than that’s a choice too. They have the right to all of these choices. As for me, I chose a tubal ligation after child number 3. It was a good choice for me.

This issue’s debate is not a battle For or Against women’s reproductive rights.
It’s not a battle For or Against "a woman’s right to choose to have or to not have a baby” nor the “right to control her own body and reproduction!"

Bottom line: 
If you want to debate these rights, then lets be crystal clear about what the issues actually are and what you are REALLY asking for.
You are REALLY asking for “The Right To Choose To Have An Abortion" 
Let's not cloud, or mask it, or try to make it sound different with debate points such as "the right to control our own body and reproduction!" Or how unfair it is "because the guy can walk away, but us as woman, our body may be forced to be pregnant for 9 months.” On 1 point of those points in reality the “unfairness” is only partially true. Laws can make a guy pay till a child turns 18. 

Women have every RIGHT to control their own bodies and their reproduction. That control is "birth control." There are many varieties available to choose from. 

Arm implants are available to make birth control easy and mindless lasting for 3 years. That’s a long time to be sexually free and also  pregnancy free! 

Many other choices are also available such as injections that last for 3 months. Patches, IUD’s, daily pills, if you are good at remembering to take them. And also condoms to use as needed. And additional spermicides available if your afraid of breaking condoms. All making reproduction within your full control. 
There is very little room here to make any logical arguments in support of the “right to have an abortion” as a reproductive choice for unwanted pregnancies. 

So "pro-life" and "right of abortion" aside, just consider other factors of abortion such as cost, the abuses and expense of abortion, agencies and corruption, and the risk to a woman’s health physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Moral positions aside, the "right to choose an abortion" isn’t justifiable, it’s wasteful!  

WHY should government and tax payers fund and give "rights for women to choose an abortion" when we already fund a woman’s right to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the 1st place.

Its not justifiable to give women who FAIL to take control of their own bodies and their own reproduction the right to choose an abortion when there are so many varieties of birth control available for women to use. Many of these options are easily available and even provided for FREE!!! 

With all these available and usually free of cost, every woman CAN "Take Control" of their bodies and their own reproduction.

The door to abortion doesn’t have to be wide open to accommodate severe or unusual exceptions. Situations where exceptions exist should be looked at and decided individually. 

Birth control cost comparisons below. 
Costs taken from the planned parenthood website: 
Most available are free of charge or 100% covered by health insurance. Especially with Obama-care.
Here are a just a few popular choices to discuss  with a doctor, to fit any lifestyle and personal preference.
Sterilization tubal (permanent option) - covers all future unintended pregnancies
$0 - $6000 
I had it done at age 30 now I’m almost 50
Covered 20 years from unintended pregnancies. Insurance paid for it.
Cost per day was $1.21  
Peace of mind, priceless!
IUD Uterine Implant - covers 12 years of unintended pregnancy
$0 - $1000
Cost per day $4.38
Arm Implant - covers 3 years of unintended pregnancies
$0 - $800 to put in and then 
$0 - $300 to remove
Cost per day $1.36 ; including removal its $0.99 per day
Injection - covers 3 months from unintended pregnancies
$0 to $100
Cost per day $0.90 
Patch - covers 1 month from unintended pregnancy
$0 - $80
Cost per day $2.66 
Oral contraceptives - covers 1 month from unintended pregnancy
$0 - $50
Cost per day $1.66 
Condom - covers 1 active day of unintended pregnancy
$0 - $1
$1 per day I day of activity 
Abortion - covers 1 active day of unintended pregnancy
$0 - Up to $1500 in 1st trimester, usually more $$ in 2nd trimester
$1500 per day/incident - covers 1 active day of unintended pregnancy

What Abortion Rights Activist are REALLY asking for is NOT for their "right" to "Take Control of Their Own Bodies and Reproduction”
THEY are REALY asking for special allowances and the "RIGHT" to have an abortion FOR  FAILING to exercise their rights to  "Take Control of Their Own Bodies and Reproduction" 
Please, where is common sense?

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